my story
the death of a marriage and becoming a clinician
Hi, I’m Tami Butler. When I started my ministry and private practice back in 2008, I wanted to help save marriages. Call it my spiritual “fight back” for the enemy stealing mine. Well, maybe I gave it to him, in all honesty. I was exhausted.
I understand what it’s like to be with the same person for two decades - as you create a family together, raise those munchkins into being responsible adults, run a business, engage with your local church and serve God, and somehow try to have a social life and connect with friends. Until it all crashes. What? How did this happen?
If you’re anything like me, you had/have this idea in your head about what life in love is supposed to look like. No one sat me down and explained it all. Even if they had, those same individuals were not clinically trained in love and relationships. Back then, you married because you “fell in love” and had dreams of starting a family. Simple, right?
In case you haven’t already experienced it, that’s not enough. We must consider other factors when choosing who we marry (these days, I spend a great amount of time helping the singles). A painful truth beyond the field of daisies and butterflies, where it seems perfect.
Fast forward 16 years… I’ve completely rebuilt my life. I wish I knew then what I know now as a clinician and relationship expert. They say hindsight is 20/20.
The kids are grown (I have three - all amazing adults), and now I teach them what was never taught to me. I regularly share relationship advice with friends, colleagues, strangers, and clients. I’ve found what makes my heart sing with purpose, and here I am.
The algorithms don’t like the fact that I’m a faith-based clinical sexologist. I specialized in my practice years ago. Which always turns heads in a conversation, engages those I’m sitting next to at a dinner party, and brings the topic front and center at any networking event. “Sexologist? What’s that?”
Yes. I’m the one who gets shamelessly to the most intimate part of marriage - your sex life. Whoa! Who doesn’t want that? But here’s the deal, it’s highly unlikely you’ll be able to sustain that great sex life unless other parts of your relationship are healthy. Sex is a thermometer, it’s going to tell us what’s going on in the room. I’ve spent nearly another two decades learning how to read that thermometer and all the relational “rooms” that affect it.
Healthy love relationships happen when both people in that relationship are healthy, as they then work toward creating intentionally healthy love towards one another, in Christ. This is love in action.
It’s what I talk about, what I study, what I write about, and how I serve others in the body of Christ - creating healthy love. This is what I call The Business of Love, for sure! Welcome to my universe of science, faith, real life love.
my credentials
Certified Clinical Sexologist and Sexuality Coach - Dr. Rachael Institute
Certification coursework in Human Sexuality & Reproductive Health - Seattle College
Sex Educator/Speaker's Bureau - Planned Parenthood
Author of 11 published relationship books
Professional speaker - Healthy love, singleness, pre-marriage, marriage, sex, Kingdom relationships
17 years (since 2008) of professional experience with a passion for helping her clients, colleagues, and friends create healthly love relationships
Experienced wife and mom of three adult children
Licensed and ordained minister - National Association of Christian Ministers
Certified Prepare/Enrich facilitator
Certified SYMBIS (Save Your Marriage Before It Starts) facilitator