the assessment

evaluate the current health of your love relationship

map pin: #3
love stage:
dating, engaged, or married couples
tool: the assessment

about the assessment
This Christ-centered clinical tool is backed by years of research, developed by psychologists, and used worldwide by clinicians, counselors, and therapists to help couples look into the true dynamics of their relationship.

It will help you and your partner understand each other more deeply as you explore a full range of critical issues necessary for a healthy love relationship.

It’s designed for couples that are serious about (or considering) being together long-term, is excellent as premarriage education, and highly recommended for married couples.

After taking the assessment, you’ll be able to see a colorful, 15 page, objective and clinical report with charts, graphs, and simple explanations - that blends the dynamics of who you are together as a couple, at this stage of your love.

We’ll go over the results together, and unpack what you’re seeing (and living!) in such areas as:

  • Mindset

  • Well being

  • Social support

  • Finances

  • Expectations

  • Love

  • Attitude

  • Communication

  • Gender

  • Conflict

  • Spirituality

Going over the results with your clinician gives you the opportunity to evaluate the current health of your relationship, and talk about it. How deep you want to get into those discussions is up to you, and will be dependant upon the number of sessions you choose when booking.

New couples find it fun and exciting! Couples having some hiccups can learn how to navigate before the matter(s) become crictical and relationship threatening. Those experiencing a rocky relationship find it helpful to know where to focus their energy for changes that might need to be made, in order to stay together.

All in all, it helps you as a couple know what’s really going on in the heart and mind of your partner. You’ll learn alot about each other in the process, and be better equipped to handle life's challenges together.

how can it help?
Couples find taking the assessment helpful for a number of reasons. Here are a few of the most common ones:

  • Curiosity!

  • Should we stay together and/or marry?

  • How critical are the issues that are happening?

  • We’re not seeing eye to eye - why?

  • What can we do to fix this reoccuring problem?

  • How do we set ourselves up for healthy love and understand each other better?

  • How can we make our relationship great?

  • We need help from a trained professional and can’t/don’t want to do this on our own!

  • Divorce prevention.

how do we take the assessment?

You’ll initially book it online, here on our website. This is the process:

  1. Choose the assessment package you prefer. You’ll be given several options to choose, based on the number of virtual clinic sessions you’d both like to attend. In those sessions, you’ll go over the results with your clinician and talk about each of the topics in the report. The more sessions you book, the longer you’ll have to talk about each section of the report. Keep in mind it’s 15 pages!

  2. Choose the date/time of your first session. The remaining sessions in your package you can schedule with your clinician. Most choose to repeat at the same day/time each week.

  3. Upon receipt of your paid booking, your clinician will send each of you a link to take your portion of the assessment, along with a simple instruction sheet with helpful tips. You must use/provide two different emails. It takes about 30 minutes to complete.

  4. Once each of you is finished, the results will be merged into one comprehensive report, and sent to your clinician for review.

  5. You will be emailed a Zoom link to attend your virtual session(s).

  6. Upon completion of your scheduled sessions, your clinician will email you a copy of your report.

Please note that the assessment is not a "test" and there are no right or wrong answers! The process is completely confidential - only you and your clinician will see your results. The goal is to help you and your partner create a healthy love relationship. For couples who are not sure they are suited for marriage, it can help both take an objective view of their relationship so a wise decision can be made - before it’s too late!

It speaks highly of you both that you care enough about your life, your future, and the success of your relationship/marriage to make this investment!

what are the assessment package options?

Because of the sensitive nature of the report, it is always accompanied with a clinical debriefing. We never just send off the report and let you figure it out on your own!

Choose from the following options:

2 sessions (55 minutes each) - We’ll do one session per week, for two weeks. This time goes by pretty fast, and this package is for a quick overview of the results, with a brief discussion time of each segment.

4 sessions (55 minutes each) - We’ll do one session per week, for four weeks. This package offers a more relaxed pace and review of the results, with a moderate discussion time of each segment.

6 sessions (55 minutes each) - We’ll do one session per week, for six weeks. For those who want more time to discuss each segment, this package offers a more elaborate discussion time of each segment.

8 sessions (55 minutes each) - We’ll do one session per week, for eight weeks. This package offers both a more elaborate discussion time of each segment and the opportunity to deep dive select issues that may be of specific concern.

Regardless of which package you choose, you can always come back and book a session in our virtual clinic, as needed. It is recommended you choose the package at the start that you feel most closely aligns with the needs of your relationship at this time.

has your relationship gone cold?

Hey ya’ll! This an older video clip that I recorded for my YouTube channel (social link above in the page header if you’d like to check out my channel for more episodes). In it I mention the assessment.

It has tips to help you with your marriage, but I think it relates appropriately. As so many of my clients who are couples for sure have coldness going on! If this is you, I highly recommend you and your partner take the assessment and choose to talk about it (before it’s too late).