the game
the card game singles are raving about, with a hidden agenda, that scores your potential matches!
map pin: #2
love stage: single, dating
tool: the game
about the game
CHOICES™ is a fun game of 100 questions on relevant relationship topics. It covers 10 key areas that affect the health and longevity of a relationship, and will help you and your (prospective) partner:
test your compatibility
When dating and meeting someone new, it can be a little awkward bringing up those parts of life that make for a good pairing. The questions are designed in such a way that you can talk about how you're alike, how you're different, and what that might look like, if you were to enter into a relationship with one another. It takes conversations straight to the heart of finding a real love connection, as you genuinely get to know the person sitting in front of you. Both people leave feeling valued, even if you aren’t a good match!
fish out dating "deal breakers" early on
Those who are dating find that when they use the game as an intentional activity toward finding a healthy love relationship, they can get to the potential relationship "deal breakers" more quickly. Rather than spending weeks or months to see if this person is a good match for you - beyond the chemistry.
have fun getting to know your partner
When that "love cocktail" is present, it's easy to lose sight of asking questions that will become reality later in your relationship. the game gives you a way to cover relevant issues that affect your real day-to-day life, and see how your partner thinks and would respond. You may be surprised!
go as deep as you feel comfortable with
Questions are stated in a way that can lead to enriching stories, life experiences, and give you the opportunity to bring up deeper issues related to the question. You can keep it light, or go as deep as you feel comfortable. You might discover a real connection or be simply irritated from the get go!
plan for a healthy marriage, before you say "I Do!"
Playing the game can be a fun way to dig deeper into your relationship and talk about core issues in a non-threatening way. Marriage is a serious commitment, and having this as a tool to see where your relationship may be strong or will need some compromising, is a big deal.
CHOICES™ sparks meaningful conversations and covers the following 10 key areas of a healthy love relationship (clinically known to impact success or failure of a relationship):
Family & Friends
Health & Fitness
Lifestyle & Habits
Relationship Views
Goals & Vision
Tip: Keep in mind, it's important that you have "chemistry" first and have some level of attraction towards this person before testing for compatibility.
what makes it different?
One of the things that makes the game unique is it’s built-in scoring method. Each of the 10 categories noted has 10 questions. Every time you and your partner "match" with the same letter answer, you get 10 points! 100 points possible per category, 1,000 points total are possible in the game when you cover all the questions/categories.
How many points you end up with as a couple will give you a strong indication of how compatible you are with this person. It may take you more than one date to get through all the cards in the deck, depending on how much time you spend on each question card. But that’s a good thing! You’re spending your time wisely, making an effort to know someone beyond the exterior. In areas where it matters most, especially if you’re serious about finding a solid match and long-term love.
You’ll be able to decide, based on how they answer, if you should proceed in seeing this person (or marrying them). This can literally shave months off dating the wrong person! Even save the death of a marriage before it starts.
Playing the game allows you to be in control of your pairing choice, and make decisions based on facts not feelings (which change).
how do you play?
There are many variations of how you can play the game. It's very versatile and great for parties too! Those who play report that they absolutely love it, and find it a super fun way to get to know someone!
as a couple
Using the set up card provided, you and your partner place the deck in front of you. Decide who goes first. One person chooses a card, reads aloud the category, question, and four multiple choice answers (A, B, C, D). First person chooses their letter answer, giving their “why” along with it (the critical part that leads to very interesting stories and life experiences). Then, the second person answers the same question - giving their letter answer and the “why” behind their answer. If you “match” by choosing the same letter answer, you get 10 points! If you do not match, it’s a scratch for that question. You then use the score card included to record either 10 points or a scratch. You proceed through the game, scoring as you go.
It’s fun and exciting to see where you “match” and where you don’t! At the end, you add up all your points (across all 10 key areas), and see how you score as a couple in your compatibility. Known problem areas (or categories) in the beginning often remain problem areas. How many points will you end up with? The higher the total, the higher the compatibility!
as a group
CHOICES™ the game is also a blast when played at a couples gathering, a small group, dinner party, or event. Just omit the “sex” category (lol) when playing as a group! Pick a card, read it aloud, give each person a chance to answer that question. Hilarious! Just don’t use the scoring model. You’d be surprised how much you can learn about each other, even in a group setting! You can hand pick a category or a few questions - depending on the size of your group. Or, let someone from the group pull one from the deck.
as therapy homework
CHOICES™ the game is therapist and counselor recommended! We have many marriage therapists and premarriage counselors that love using the game with clients. Makes great “homework” to help couples talk it out.
CHOICES™ the game fosters in-person connections among a dating world starved for human companionship. It can be a catalyst to finding truly healthy love.
Oh my! Such demand, we’re out of stock! Be the first to get your deck(s) by placing your name on our wait list.
how the game can help you have better dates…
Hey ya’ll! This an older video clip on the game that I recorded for my YouTube channel (social link above in the page header if you’d like to check out my channel for more episodes). I think you’ll enjoy listening and learning more about how the game can help you have better dates!
… and choose wisely.
This one is informative as well! Also an older video. In fact, this one was created when I only had the original product mock-up (AKA home printed version) to work with! It’s since been to the professional printer of course, and is an actual card game format. Just jumbo sized.